Category: "Prayers" — 21 posts found.
Archangel Chamuel The Angel Of Love Romance God sent his angels to help humans on all levels with their issues and they quickly come to aid those who call upon them with faith. Humans are centered around relationships and love is an important matter to the angels believe it or not. Chamuel was created by […]
7 ways to repel and protect yourself from negativity Having Bad Luck Or Feeling Negative Vibes? Having Bad Luck Or Feeling Negative Vibes? Here are 7 ways to repel and protect yourself from negativity. Let’s face it not everything spiritual feels like your walking in a field of flowers. There are some people who wish […]
Saint Valentine The Patron Of True Love and Romance The patron of love, marriages and couples, Saint Valentine is celebrated every year on the 14th of February, in literally one of the loveliest days on Earth: Valentine’s Day . The feast day of Saint Valentine has been celebrated by the Catholic Church for centuries, but […]
Saint Jude – The Saint Of Lost Hopes And Miracles Saint Jude’s his feast day is October 28th. Saint Jude’s colors are green. white and sometimes red. Emblem: A medal and a staff Petition: Petition to him for hopeless or impossible cases, to help someone get off drugs, to help someone get out of jail. […]
Connecting with Archangel Michael Connecting with Archangel Michael. The Archangel Michael is one of only three archangels referred to by name in The Bible, joined by Gabriel and Lucifer. It is said that Michael, the archangel of protection, safety, peace, clarity, and forward movement, was the archangel closest to The Creator. It is Michael who […]
18 Ways To Relief Stress, Depression or Anxiety 18 Natural Or Spiritual Ways To Relief Stress, Depression & Anxiety. In the hectic fast pace world we live in today, it can seem like mission impossible to have a peaceful mindset and not be anxious. If it is not one thing it is another problem to […]
How To Cleanse Your Tarot Or Divination Cards How To Cleanse Your Tarot Or Divination Cards. Tarot divination or any kind of card divination is an energetic connection that we channel the divines energy , the person’s energy receiving the tarot reading energy in combination with our energy onto the cards in order to receive […]
Saint Peter removes binds and opens doors Saint Peter removes binds and opens doors. In honor of this most loved saint I decided today to write a small blog about him since today is Saint Peters feast day June 29th though others honor him on other days as well. Saint peter know also as Simon […]