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Emilie Muñiz

“Hi, I’m Emilie a New York City, native who started to dive into the world of tarot and spirituality over twenty years ago. And, I just love the Tarot. I love the tarot because it has helped me in so many ways. It has helped me navigate through the rubble that life sometimes throws our way, helped me connect with lost ones, helps me make the right decisions.

Following my deep love for the Tarot and reading as an expert over the years, I decided to turn my passion into my career. Now I am a full-time diviner (Tarot Readings )and help others through tarot just as it has helped me.

I also love teaching tarot. I am an Instructor of tarot (Learn Tarot )in which I teach my students how to become confident readers for themselves and others. On the side, I also am a tarot deck creator. I am the creator of Simplicity Tarot ( My Tarot deck )with several more decks in creation. I am a lover of everything in the forest, crystals, and of course roses.”