
Spiritual Guide

Mi Gitana
My Beautiful Spirit Guide

In honor of my Gitana and all that she has done for me I have included her picture in my tarot deck Simplicity Tarot as an additional card called  “Spiritual Guide card”  May she also help those in need as well as she has helped me.

Mi Gitana, My beautiful spirit guide.  The head of my spiritual court who walks with me every day giving me blessings,  protecting me and guiding me throughout my life. You who smells like fresh red roses and responds to the chimes of bells as they ring. I love you. You who has never let me down but always loved me. You who enters my dreams with premonitions helping me dodge downfalls in life.  You who motivates me to keep on moving steadfastly forward chasing my dreams.

You who whispers words of caution in my ear and empower all my readings. You who gave me the vision of my firstborn down to the T and bring me fortune daily.  It is Because of you and all my great spirits that I am able to follow my passion. I travel and connect with people from all around the world. Providing them with insight thanks to your guidance Mi Gitana linda.

I adore you. My children adore you and as long as I live everyone will know that you walk with me. Thank you for being in my life and choosing to guide me through this lifetime.  It was not easy getting to know you. You tested my patience, my devotion and unlocked your mysteries to me bit by bit.  It was surely worth it. Anything that is sacred is not easily given and you each speak your own tune. We have so much in common. From the way, you like fancy things to the flowers you like. Your love for crystals and gemstones is also something we have in common so is your love for old things, divination, and crystals.

You who whisper to me the mysteries of the cards and consistently teach me new divination. You who speak to me through intuition and taught me to never second guess my hunches for they can lead me down the wrong path.  Every red rose reminds me of you and so I graced my body with your symbolism permanently. This page is dedicated to you my wonderful Gitana linda. May, the world grow to learn more about you and your beauty because of this. Thank you for being in my life.

If you would like to know more about the gitana spirit guide in Espiritsmo ( La Gitana, The gypsy commission)  spiritual guides you can view Luis’s YouTube video on it here or read about it on his blog here.

Light and progress to everyone. – Emilie ( Emmy )



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