Category: "Prayers"21 posts found.

  • Working with Saint Nicholas for Financial Abundance

    Working with Saint Nicholas for Financial Abundance Besides being the patron of children and their protector, Saint Nicholas is also a protector of the poor, of those in need, of those who cannot enjoy the gift of abundance in their life. It is said that he was a bishop during the times of tyrant Emperors […]

  • Archangel Haniel – The Angel Of Psychics And Love

    Archangel Haniel – The Angel Of Psychics And Love Keywords: psychic, tarot reading, love The name of the Archangel Haniel signifies “God’s Glory” or “God’s Grace” and it is has very many variations such as Anael, Aniel, Hamiel, Onoel in old Hebraic texts, magical texts and amulets. She is also called Hanielle, manifesting a feminine […]

  • All Souls Day

    All Souls Day Today we raise our spirits, our voices, and our love to our faithfully departed. Our loved ones, our ancestors, and those who have moved past this Earthly realm and into the ever after. On this day, we pray for the dead, honor their lives, and seek comfort in the memories of our […]

  • St. Hedwig relief patron of debt and suffering

    St. Hedwig relief patron of debt and suffering Nicias Ballard Cooksey once said, “There are but few things that crush the life out of one like a burden of debt. They break our spirit, crush our ambitions, destroy our homes, and drive us in to despair as nothing else can do.” Anyone who has known […]

  • Set Yourself Free With Energy Etheric Cord Cutting

    Set Yourself Free With Energy Etheric Cord Cutting Cord Cutting…. It’s a Must! As we connect with people throughout our lives, the connection we have goes beyond the physical plane. There is an energetic and spiritual connection that occurs as well. This takes the form of etheric cords, or simply put “cords”. As time passes, […]

  • Change Your Life with Affirmations

    Change Your Life with Affirmations…… Affirmations are a great tool to start the day with. These are declarations to yourself that can be said in silence or out loud to change thought patterns and life patterns. Often, people complain about their lives being stagnant and constantly coming to roadblocks that don’t allow them to move […]


    This is a prayer that has surely helped me and continues to do so. I felt that the writer Oba Ilari Aladokun knows all about the “Dating Game” her words make me feel greatly understood and gives me peace. It also gives comfort to those who has been looking for love in the wrong direction. […]

  • I Love Myself…Do I?

    I Love Myself…Do I? I love myself… Do I? Often times we consider ourselves as having love for ourselves, being confident and deserving of a good life. After all, this is what we say from the mouth out. However, internally, we are in a constant battle fighting the words of our past. We are taught […]