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Signs your chakras are blocked and how to unblock them with crystals Signs your chakras are blocked and how to unblock them with crystals. Have you ever woke up and told yourself ” I feel off today, something just does not feel right.” We all have had this happen to us. It’s one of the […]
5 Ways you can quickly spiritually Relieve stress 5 Ways you can quickly spiritually Relieve stress. When it comes to stress relief there are many ways in which someone might choose to relieve themselves. One might expect that you can even categorize the different types of stress relief techniques. From natural ways to spiritual ways, […]
The Orgone Pyramid – How Does It Work and Its Uses The Orgone Pyramid – How Does It Work and Its Uses. The term orgonite refers to a mix of quartz crystals, semi-precious gemstones, metals and resin in a combination that is said to balance out the life-energy that we also know as prana, chi […]
Help Your Love Life with Tarot Help Your Love Life with Tarot. Can a tarot reading really help your love life? When people think of tarot the first thing that they think about is prediction tarot reading. Yes, tarot can be used for prediction but, how can just knowing what will most likely happen help […]
5 Types Of Psychic Tarot Readers To Avoid 5 Types Of Psychic Tarot Readers To Avoid. Have you ever been curious to go see a psychic or Tarot reader… but were too scared to be scammed by a fake? Or even worse, being scared that the psychic or Tarot reader would predict some horrid news […]
Twin Flames – 7 Signs You Have Met Yours Twin Flames – 7 Signs You Have Met Yours. Maybe you have heard about twin flames but don’t know exactly what it refers to. Apart from soul mates, twin flames are initial counterparts of a soul from the moment of its creation, in other words, “the […]
7 Signs Angels Are Trying Communicate With You What separates physically manifested reality from light dimensions is just a matter of perspective and openness. There is nothing keeping us back from using the vibrations and elements that we need in order to grow, feel better or feel at ease. The Universe is divinely abundant and […]
My Top 5 Gemstones for Attracting Love And Romance Anyone who knows me well enough knows that I am a big fan of collecting gemstones. I incorporate gemstones with all my readings, and use them frequently as an aid with life situations. Here are my top 5 favorite gemstones that I have found to be the […]
Archangel Chamuel The Angel Of Love Romance God sent his angels to help humans on all levels with their issues and they quickly come to aid those who call upon them with faith. Humans are centered around relationships and love is an important matter to the angels believe it or not. Chamuel was created by […]
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