Category: "Featured"73 posts found.

  • Candle Magic: Unlocking the Power (and Fun) of Color in Spellwork and Divination

    Candle Magic: Unlocking the Power (and Fun) of Color in Spellwork and Divination Candle magic is an ancient and powerful practice in the realms of spellcraft and witchcraft. By harnessing the transformative element of fire, candle magic allows practitioners to focus their intentions and manifest their desires. Whether you’re new to magic or looking to […]

  • July’s Cosmic Dance: Embracing Change and New Beginnings in Love 🌟

    July’s Cosmic Dance: Embracing Change and New Beginnings in Love 🌟 Hi Mystical friends! 🌸 As we journey through July, the cosmos is aligning to bring us exciting new energy and opportunities in our love lives. This month is rich with astrological events that promise transformation, passion, and joy. Let’s dive into what’s happening and […]

  • Unlock the Secrets of Your Love Life This June! 💖✨

    Click Here For a  Reading Hello, Beautiful Soul 🥰 I hope this message finds you well. I’m excited to share your personalized Love Scope for June 2024! This month is full of vibrant astrological energy that will impact your love life in unique ways. Let’s explore what’s happening in the cosmos and how it will […]

  • Discover Which Enneagram Reveals Who You Truly Are Based On Your Astro Sign

    Discover Which Enneagram Reveals Who You Truly Are Based On Your Astro Sign. The concept of the Enneagram is becoming quite popular, and if you are unsure of what it is, it is a personality typing system that represents and describes how people manage their emotions and conceptualize the world around them. There are 9 […]

  • Love Tarot Astrology March Forecast

    Love Tarot Astrology March forecast. Beginning on March 10-12th, the Sun, Moon, Neptune, and Venus will be hanging out in Pisces throughout the month. This is called a stellium, meaning that three or more planets are occupying the same sign bringing its enhanced energy to the collective. Pisces is the 12th sign of the zodiac […]

  • Crystal Healing And Your Chakras

    Crystal Healing And Your Chakras Crystal Healing And Your Chakras. The seven chakras in your body are the centers of the energy points and you want to make sure that the chakras are open so the qi (energy) in your body is flowing in order to be at the best overall health possible. Unfortunately, as […]

  • Love Tarot Astrology February Forecast

    Love Tarot Astrology February Forecast Happy Aquarius Season! Are you ready for the change you have been longing for in love? Let’s look towards the stars and connect with the divine to see what is in store for you this February with your Love Tarot Astrology forecast. I will be divining this month for each […]

  • Signs your chakras are blocked and how to unblock them with crystals

    Signs your chakras are blocked and how to unblock them with crystals Signs your chakras are blocked and how to unblock them with crystals.  Have you ever woke up and told yourself ” I feel off today, something just does not feel right.”  We all have had this happen to us. It’s one of the […]