— Showing all 10 posts under the category Angels —
7 Signs Angels Are Trying Communicate With You What separates physically manifested reality from light dimensions is just a matter of perspective and openness. There is nothing keeping us back from using the vibrations and elements that we need in order to grow, feel better or feel at ease. The Universe is divinely abundant and […]
My Top 5 Gemstones for Attracting Love And Romance Anyone who knows me well enough knows that I am a big fan of collecting gemstones. I incorporate gemstones with all my readings, and use them frequently as an aid with life situations. Here are my top 5 favorite gemstones that I have found to be the […]
Archangel Chamuel The Angel Of Love Romance God sent his angels to help humans on all levels with their issues and they quickly come to aid those who call upon them with faith. Humans are centered around relationships and love is an important matter to the angels believe it or not. Chamuel was created by […]
DO YOU BELIEVE IN ANGELS? True stories that will make you believe Do you believe in angels? True stories that will make you believe. It is said that 8 out of 10 Americans believe in angels. Taken from the findings done by a poll done by CBS NEWS. So what are these divine beings called […]
Connecting with Archangel Michael Connecting with Archangel Michael. The Archangel Michael is one of only three archangels referred to by name in The Bible, joined by Gabriel and Lucifer. It is said that Michael, the archangel of protection, safety, peace, clarity, and forward movement, was the archangel closest to The Creator. It is Michael who […]
How To Cleanse Your Tarot Or Divination Cards How To Cleanse Your Tarot Or Divination Cards. Tarot divination or any kind of card divination is an energetic connection that we channel the divines energy , the person’s energy receiving the tarot reading energy in combination with our energy onto the cards in order to receive […]
Angel Repetitive Numbers – What Do They Mean? Angel Repetitive Numbers – What Do They Mean? Has it ever happened to you to repetitively see the numbers 00:00 when looking what time it is or 222, 444, 11:11 or even 666? Believe it or not, these are signs for you from the angels that love […]
Archangel Haniel – The Angel Of Psychics And Love Keywords: psychic, tarot reading, love The name of the Archangel Haniel signifies “God’s Glory” or “God’s Grace” and it is has very many variations such as Anael, Aniel, Hamiel, Onoel in old Hebraic texts, magical texts and amulets. She is also called Hanielle, manifesting a feminine […]
Set Yourself Free With Energy Etheric Cord Cutting Cord Cutting…. It’s a Must! As we connect with people throughout our lives, the connection we have goes beyond the physical plane. There is an energetic and spiritual connection that occurs as well. This takes the form of etheric cords, or simply put “cords”. As time passes, […]
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