Love Attraction Spiritual Bath By Emilie Moe
Love Attraction Spiritual Bath By Emilie Moe
Need help in love? The the magic of the nature help you in time of need my friend. Here is my go to bath that I have created to help increase your Romance / Love life
These natural ingredients when placed in a bath can produce a incredible magical result to bring love and romance into your life. I believe this and has Seen first hand bring amazing result. In order to bring in love first one needs to cleanse themselves of negative vibrations “Rid yourself of these negative vibrations HERE or you can order a cleansing HERE from Original botanica online for one day then follow this bath for three days to attract love and romance
- 1/2 dozen of Red Roses
- Pink Roses half a dozen
- 1 boiled pot of cinnamon stick water
- Honey
- one boiled pot dried Basil or one bunch of fresh basil
- Florida water
- Rose Cologne
- A new towel – either red , white or pink
- Lavender one bunch fresh or dried
1. fill the bath tub in with hot water.
2. add the pot of boiled cinnamon stick water into the bath not strained.
3. add the pot of boiled basil water into the bath not strained or add one bunch of fresh basil into the bath
4.add the Lavender into the bath
5. Place the petals of the roses into the water. ( thinking about love and romance coming to you. breaking the flowers off its stem.
6.add the half of bottle of Florida water.
7.add the half of bottle of Rose Cologne
8. pour honey about 5 table spoons into the water. ( afterwards place some on finger into your mouth saying “sweet love come to me”
9. Mix all the in the ingredients together in the bath water breaking up the flower petals even more. set your intention and thoughts on attracting love and romance while doing so. Speak to the water and tell it how great it smells and how it is going to help you with _________________ ( fill in the blank)
10.Bathe in the water. rub yourself with the herbs and flowers. feeling sexy , sweet and attractive for no less then 30 minutes. vision yourself with a romantic partner.
11. pat yourself dry with a new red , white or pink towel.
12. Go out and attract that mate.
13. **take this bath for three consecutive days. **This bath can even be done with your partner to enhance your romance for 1 day.
14. Gather the herbs ,roses , towel and leave it at a cross road after the third day for the Orisa Eleggua can help you open these doors to make this possible. Do not forget to also to add some poured honey placed on the herbs, some candy and 3 coins for the Orisa for is help. THANK THE ORISA FOR HELPING YOU.
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Emilie Muñiz, creator of Simplicity Tarot and a Brooklyn native, has been passionate about tarot since her teens, with over two decades of professional experience. Besides tarot, she practices and teaches various divination methods including Puerto Rican-style coffee cup readings, oracle cards, and Espiritismo. Her latest creation, Simplicity Lenormand, aims to demystify the Lenormand system, making it accessible and enjoyable for all learning levels.
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