King of Coins
Having confidence is a great quality of the King of Coins. He also represents self efficiency, abundance, security and stability. If representing a person, the King of Coins can represent a man who acts with confidence, who is a leader, and who is a person of business and financially stable. The Kings of Coins also correspondences with individuals who have an earth Zodiac sign, which are Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo.
Upright Keywords: Abundance, Leadership, Wealth, A Person of Business
Reversal Keywords: Greed, Narcissistic, Insecurity, Bad Business Dealings,
Emilie Muñiz, creator of Simplicity Tarot and a Brooklyn native, has been passionate about tarot since her teens, with over two decades of professional experience. Besides tarot, she practices and teaches various divination methods including Puerto Rican-style coffee cup readings, oracle cards, and Espiritismo. Her latest creation, Simplicity Lenormand, aims to demystify the Lenormand system, making it accessible and enjoyable for all learning levels.
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