— Showing all 14 posts under the category Suit Swords —
The Five of Swords brings us to a time when we felt defeated by a bully. It is a card about conflicts and battles, but also it is about victory in defeating anyone who has tried to come against you. This card can also represent thatsomeone is trying to use intimidation tactics, of even bully […]
In a peaceful, restful position, the Four of Swords in the Tarot represents a time of rest and meditation which are needed to ground oneself. This card is about finding our center, grounding ourselves, and taking a break from the world to rejuvenate. Upright Keywords: Meditation, Rest, Preparation, Grounding Reversal Keywords: Awakening, Recovering, Vitality Emilie […]
The Three of Swords in the Tarot reflects a heavy heart, a period of loss, and when one experiences heartbreak. The pain, though, does not last forever. The Three of Sword’s heart floats in a rainstorm, and rainstorms are temporary. Upright Keywords: Heartbreak, Despair, Loss, Mourning, Break-Ups Reversal Keywords: Healing, Forgiveness, Optimism, Letting Go, Recovery […]
Blades in hand and thinking on what choice to make, the woman in the Two of Swords represents a stalemate and being at a crossroad. It also represents a time where you cannot go any further or you find yourself standing at crossroads, conflicted of which direction to take. These are the times where you […]
Sharp and strong, the Ace of Swords in the Tarot generally represents the beginning stage or something new in relation to an idea, a strategy or a successful breakthrough. This card reminds to keep our minds sharp, operate with logic and be clear with information. The Ace of Swords also corresponds with the element of […]
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